July 7th is Global Forgiveness Day. It’s an excellent time to reflect on the importance of forgiveness and what forgiveness means to...
Back pain affects a large portion of the population. Approximately eight out of 10 people will experience this common medical condition at...
We’ve all been there. You’re out at a play, at a fancy dinner party or in the confines of an...
With over 500 functions to perform, your liver is one of the most overworked organs in your body. So, it...
Hitting the treadmill is good for everything from your heart to your mood—but if you’re not also strength training on...
Here is good news for millions of people worldwide contending with diabetes: Scientists have created a new drug cocktail that...
If you’re dealing with diabetes, it’s more important than ever not just to select foods that are considered safe to...
Nowadays, people use the word “depressed” so casually, but what they really mean is that they’re sad or struggling with...
A new study claims it has found the three keys to a happy romantic relationship. And much to my surprise,...
The key to remembering where you put your keys? It could be as easy as these simple tweaks to your...