Going the Distance
All the fighting is done with the heart, having said that it doesn’t mean one doesn’t need training.
A fighter needs long, strong, flexible muscles which can endure long bouts. Flexibility comes at the cost of strength so it is necessary to find a balance. Yoga can help in both strengthening and stretching.
Before starting any sort of physical training body must be warm and after the training it must be cooled, by stretching the muscles. Same set of postures can do both depending on how long one holds them: 10 to 15 seconds short normal breaths and repetition for warming up. 30 seconds to a minute and half for cooling down. All the joints especially, wrists and ankles are to be warmed as well to avoid injuries, jaws and neck too. Here are some basic asanas that help one prepare the body and mind for a good sparring and cooling afterwards.

Get on all fours, feet pointing and gently rest the buttocks on the heels. Make sure feet are not sickled by concentrating on the big toes and pushing the feet close together. Try and relax in this posture for 10 to 15 breaths before attempting the variations.
Once this is comfortable, roll the head down, hands gently stretching in front and rest the head in front of the knees. Stay for 10 to 15 breaths. Come back to vajrasana, get hold of the feet with the hands, gently bend backwards while breathing out and put the crown of the head on the floor behind the feet. Stay there for 5 to 6 breaths.
Resting Warrior:
Baddakonasana, Paschimothanasana and few other simple stretches can serve as a preparation for veerasana. Stretch the legs in front, catch hold of the feet, bring them back towards the pelvis, hold the feet pressed together, heels on heels and encircling the toes with the palms. Release the thighs and the knees to touch the floor. Thighs could be wiggled up and down like wings to warm the pelvic girdle. Put the thighs down again, keep the back straight breath out, gently bend forward, try and put the head down on the floor. Stay here for 5 to 10 breaths and come back. Stretch the legs in front, flex the feet, breath out, hold the feet with the hands, gently bend the head down, keeping the back as straight as possible, try and put the head on the shin. Stay there for 5 to 6 breaths and come out of it. Now keeping one leg stretched in front, the other one folded under the buttocks, just like in vajrasana, put the hands behind, supporting the torso on the elbow, gently lower the back towards floor, once it is comfortable enough, let go of the elbows and lie on the back. Stay here for 5 to 6 breaths, come up hold the foot of the stretched leg for support, bend forward, try and put the head on the shin. Repeat the same on the other side. Come back to vajrasana, this time increase the distance between the thighs, lower the pelvis to the floor. Once the pelvis is comfortably on the floor between the thighs gently lower the back to the floor. Elbows can be used for support in the beginning. Once it is comfortable stretch the hands behind and put them next to the ears. Stay here for 10 to 15 breaths. Come up, bend forward and put the head in front of the knees, hands resting on the side.  Â
Padahasthasana and Variations:
Stand up right, breath out, bring the chin close to the head, start folding the spine by taking the head down towards the feet, and put the palms in front of the feet. Try and look front, arching the back, bring the head up from there to standing positon. Do this 5 to 6 times as slowly as possible. Now that the spine and surrounding muscles are warm, breathe in, hands stretched above the head palms facing outwards bend the spine backwards. Breathe out, bring the arms to the floor in front of the feet, place the palms down. Keep the back straight. Bring the palms behind, clasping the legs just above ankles release the back and the neck. Stay there for 10 to 15 breaths.
Howling Dog:
Go into Padahasthasana. Keeping the palms fixed step back. Heels are on the floor, weight is on the outside of the feet, back is straight, head is touching the floor or just above the floor. This is Downward Facing Dog. Stay here for 5 to 6 deep breaths then initiate a wave from the feet: heels are raised, this pushes the buttocks, then spine, shoulders and head. Gently lower the body to chaturanga i.e. whole body is balanced on palms and balls of the feet. Push the head forward first and then upward to Upward Facing Dog. Stay here for 3 to 4 breaths. Go back to Downward Facing Dog by tracing a concave arc with the body. Repeat this for 15 to 20 times.
Comeback to Padahasthasana holding the left leg around the Achilles, head pressing against the leg, back straight, lift the right leg up as high as it goes. Hold for 3 to 4 breaths. Do the same on the left.
Trikonasan and Variations:
Stand upright, spread the legs apart keeping about 3 to 3 and 1/2 feet distance, turnout the right foot, turn to the right, turn in the left foot a bit for balance, bend the torso towards the right, parallel to the floor, place the right palm next to the right foot on the outside, stretch the left arm up into the ceiling, look up at the right palm. Make sure arms are in line, torso is facing front, navel is facing front. Reach out with the crown. Stay here for 5 to 6 breaths. repeat the same on the other side. Come back to the starting position with feet 3 to 3 and 1/2 feet apart. Twist the torso, place the left palm next to right foot on the outside, right arm stretched up into the ceiling, arms are in line, naval is facing outwards. Stay here for 5 to 6 breaths and repeat the same on the other side. Again come back to the starting position. Legs apart, this time about 4 to 4 and 1/2 feet. Turn to the right, fold the right leg into a lunge, knee not going over the toes. Place the right palm next to the right leg on the outside, stretch the left arm to the right, over the left ear and look up. Stay here for 5 to 6 breaths. Do the same on the other side. Come back to standing position, legs apart. Go into a lunge on the right side just like before. Now place the left palm next to the right foot on the outside, twisting the torso. Stretch the right arm to the right, over the right ear and look up. Stay here for 5 to 6 breaths. Do the same on the other side.
Ways of the Warrior:
Stand upright, stretch the hands up, next to the ears, palms pressed together, lunge with the right leg, keeping about 4 to 4 and 1/2 feet between the feet. Turn out the right foot, turn in the left foot for balance keeping the heel firmly planted on the ground, look up at the pressed palms. Stay here for 5 to 6 long breaths. Repeat the same on the other side. Come back to standing position, take a lunge with the right leg like before, hands are up over the head, palms pressed together. Breathe out open the hands, stretch them parallel to the floor, palms facing down. Repeat the same on the other side. Come back to standing position, hands over the head, lunge with the right leg, breathe out, lower the entire torso to the front and reach out. Stay here for 5 to 6 breaths. Reach out further by straightening the right leg, lifting the left leg up, foot pointing, keeping palms, head, back, buttocks, legs and foot in a straight line. Repeat the same on the other side. Come back to the standing position, legs are 3 to 3 and 1/2 feet wide, hands are stretched to the side, parallel to the floor, palms facing down. Turn out the right foot, turn the torso to face right and turn in the left foot for balance. Place the right palm next to right foot, on the outside, left arm stretched up, and arms are in a line. Reach out with the crown, make sure naval is facing out. Stay here for 3 to 4 breaths. Bend the right knee, place the right palm a little further in front of the right foot, let the left arm rest on the left plank, lift the left leg by straightening the right knee. Try and turn out the left leg. Stay here for 5 to 6 breaths. Repeat the same on the other side. Come back to standing position, feet are together, fold the right leg, at the knee, catch hold of the right big toe with right hand, pull it over the left knee. And then stretch it in front, stay here for 2 to 3 breaths. Pull the leg to the right side, stay there for 3 to 4 breaths, and then pull it back to the front. Now grasp the right foot with both the hands, breath out, bring it closer to the head, and at the same time reach out with the crown, press the face on to the right leg, just above the knee. Stay here for 2 to 3 breaths. Repeat the same on the other side.
All of these postures could be done one after the other in a flow.
Snake that Swallows It’s Own Tail :
Lie down on the tummy, hands folded and resting in front of the head. The head is resting on the side which is comfortable. Stay here for 5 to 10 breaths. Pull the palms back and place them next to the tummy on either side, turn the head to look at the floor, and bring the feet together. Press the palms down, push, lift the torso forward and up, like peeling a banana skin. Press the pelvis down and raise as much as possible. Look up. Stay here for 8 to 10 breaths. Come back to lying on the tummy, roll over, lie on the back, fold the arms, place the palms close to the shoulders, fold the legs, tuck the tail bone in, engage the core, breathe out, lift the pelvis, upper back, and the head into Chakrasana. Stay here for 10 to 15 breaths. Lower the body breathe in. Breathe out and lift up again. Do this for 15 to 20 times.
The Pigeon Pie -Not so easy:
Sit on the floor, straighten the legs in front, fold the right leg, pull it back all the way in, heels are pressed into the groin, push it to right the side, letting the right knee touch the floor, keeping it there, bring the left leg behind, whole of the left leg touching the floor. Hold on to the waist, push it forward letting the chest open and let the head fall back. Bend the left leg, at the knee, sole facing the ceiling, secure it with the right hand, breathe out, pull it towards the head and rest the head on the sole. Stay here for 15 to 20 breaths.
Sit in Vajrasana, stand on the knees, place the right foot about 2 feet in front into a lunge, knee not going over the toes. Turn out the right foot, point the left foot, raise the right arm up, keep the left one down pointing at the floor and bend back backwards. Stay there for 10 to 15 breaths. Do the same on the other side. Come back to Vajarasana, stand on the knees, go into a lunge with the right leg, place the palms on either side for support, straighten the right knee by sliding the right leg to the front how much ever it is possible, and flex the right foot. Stay here for 10 to 15 breaths. Now the sole of the left foot which is facing upwards, slide it back all the way. Ideally pelvis should be resting on the floor, but this will take months of practice. Once that happens hands could be stretched up, palms pressed together. Stay here for 20 to 30 breaths. Repeat the same on the other side.
Plough, A Mermaid and Stand on the Shoulders:
Go into lotus posture: left foot on the right thigh, right foot on the left thigh. Release the back, let it go to the floor, and lie down. Hold on to the ankles with the hands, arch the back and rest the crown on the floor. Stay here for 15 to 20 breaths. Come back up. Stretch the legs, lie down on the back. Tuck the tail bone in, engage the core, lift the legs up together, lift the pelvis, supporting it with the hands, lift the back, let the whole body rest on the shoulders and a part of the upper back. Balance with the core, hands, and point the feet. Stay here for 15 to 20 breaths. Hold on to the pelvis with the hands, let the legs fall to the front, knees are still straight. Stay there for 5 to 6 breaths, come back and let the legs fall the right, and then to the left. Come back, let the hands rest on the floor, take the legs behind, place them in front of the head and straighten the knees. Stay there for 15 to 20 breaths. If you are up for it let the legs slide further back into a back roll. Lie down on the tummy for 10 to 15 long breaths.
Bangalore, India
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